SwitchDin's submission to the AEMC's Review of the Regulatory Framework for Metering Services


SwitchDin welcomes the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Draft Report of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Metering Services and opportunity to provide feedback.

We share some recommendations that we believe will improve customer support and social license for the smart meter rollout in this submission which will allow customers' right to access their electricity data, in real time, free of charge from their 'smart' meter (so that they can reduce their bills by managing their electricity consumption and generation).

We welcome the proposed target of universal uptake of smart meters by 2030 in National Electricity Market (NEM) jurisdictions, where legacy accumulation and manually read interval meters are progressively retired by the DNSPs under a legacy retirement plan, and retailers are required to replace the retired meters within a set time frame.

Read our full submission with all our recommendations below:
