SwitchDin response to the Australian Energy Regulator's Consultation Paper on Network Visibility


Network data should be presumed open.

Access to data held by electricity networks is a crucial ingredient for companies like SwitchDin that provide energy technology solutions for customers, distribution networks and energy retailers.

We therefore strongly support the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) review of the benefits of increased visibility of networks.

In the United Kingdom, a core policy principle is that energy network data is Presumed Open

In Australia, policy makers operate on the principle that energy network data is Presumed Confidential unless a strong case for access can be proven. This is unjustified. As regulated monopolies, distribution networks should not be able to invoke commercial confidentiality as a reason to prevent data access.

If the network data is of usable quality and can be made available at a relatively low cost, then it should be made available.

This would open networks to additional competition from non-network solutions, benefiting all consumers. 

Network data secrecy stifles innovation. For the benefit of all consumers, energy system data should be presumed open.

Read our full submission and recommendations to the Australian Energy Regulator here:
