SwitchDin submission to AEMC Directions Paper on Flexible Trading Arrangements


A customers’ choice should always be respected with any changes that are made by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC). In a submission to AEMC, SwitchDin supports the proposal for electric vehicles (EVs) and other consumer energy resources (CER) to be separately metered provided it is not mandated and customers will always have the choice of whether they participate.

The proposed change will allow EVs and CERs to participate in the energy market independent of other load, generation or storage they might have at home or in their business.

At SwitchDin, we don’t believe a single architecture should be prioritised or mandated by policy. Different use cases have benefits for energy consumers and they should have the freedom to derive value from energy flexibility using a single meter and a home energy management system or to choose ‘flexible trading arrangements’ with multiple meters.
